Who Posts Online Customer Reviews? The Role of Sociodemographics and Personality Traits


  • Christopher King Manner Union University
  • Wilburn C. Lane Union University


Online customer reviews (OCRs) are becoming increasing popular among consumers who read them to make informed decisions about products and services. However, little attention has been given to factors that influence those who generate OCRs. This study aims to fill this gap by exploring the sociodemographic characteristics and personality traits associated with positive and negative OCR creation. Logistic regression analysis shows that age has a quadratic (inverse U-shaped) effect on the likelihood of posting an OCR. Moreover, openness to new experiences, agreeableness, and conscientiousness are significant predictors of OCR creation. These findings may help marketers develop OCR platforms that encourage positive reviews


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2018-02-02 — Updated on 2021-12-22
