The Luxury to Complain: Seniors' Perceptions of Luxury Fine Dining


  • Jacqueline K. Eastman Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
  • F. Mark Case Florida Gulf Coast University, USA


This research examined American senior consumers’ perceptions and expectations of luxury fine dining, their ideas of how it differs from quality casual dining, and what causes them to complain in this setting. Fifty-five American seniors over the age of 50 recruited via Qualtrics completed a qualitative instrument that also included quantitative items. In looking at the luxury values most important to seniors in luxury fine dining, functional values related to the quality of the food, service, and uniqueness of atmosphere were most important and what differentiated luxury fine dining from quality casual dining. Food was most frequently mentioned, with both the quality as well as the presentation of the food being important. The service aspect played an especially vital role, with wait staff being attentive, knowledgeable, and accommodating as driving factors. Social values, such as conspicuousness or prestige, did not play a role for seniors’ luxury fine dining. A combination of issues made seniors most likely to complain. Finally, while many seniors had differences in expectations based on the type of restaurant, some had similar standards for both luxury fine dining and quality casual dining.



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Special Issue: Senior Consumers and CS/D&CB. Editors: Norbert Meiners and George W. Leeson.