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A More Personalized Satisfaction Model: Including the BFI-44 in the American Customer Satisfaction Model.


  • Elizabeth Crisp Crawford North Dakota State University


This study extends current research on customer satisfaction and the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) by incorporating personality into the American Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSM).  Survey responses including basic demographic information, major choice, the ACSM, and BFI-44 were collected from 849 students from various colleges and universities across the United States. The research revealed that the BFI-44 can be reliably incorporated into the ACSM. Additionally, the inclusion of BFI personality traits substantially altered satisfaction rankings and comparisons that the students made relating to their choice of undergraduate major, a high-involvement product. The findings show that excluding personality from customer satisfaction data could result in inaccurate information relating to customers’ true satisfaction levels. 

Author Biography

  • Elizabeth Crisp Crawford, North Dakota State University
    Associate Professor of Communication North Dakota State University Ph.D. University of Tennessee (2007)



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