Does Existential Wellbeing Promote Positive Attitudes about Entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurs play a vital role in creating and sustaining the type of dynamic and competitive marketplace that supports consumer satisfaction and broader wellbeing. However, consumer wellbeing may also play an important role in promoting a culture of entrepreneurship. In the current study (N = 1,269), we focus specifically on existential wellbeing and explore the potential for existential wellbeing to positively influence attitudes about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship involves agentic, goal-direction action. Meaning in life is an indicator of existential wellbeing and has been shown to support agentic thinking and goal-pursuit. Thus, meaning in life may promote the type of agentic mindset that encourages people to have positive attitudes about the role of entrepreneurs in society. We tested this proposal by measuring perceptions of meaning in life, feelings of agency associated with meaning (existential agency), and attitudes about entrepreneurs. We found support for a model linking meaning in life to positive attitudes about entrepreneurs via existential agency.
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