Factors that Influence a Consumer Complainer's Rating of Service Received from a Third Party Complaint-Handling Agency: The Los Angeles Department of Consumer Affairs
This study sought to understand the factors that influence a complainer's rating of service received from a third-party complaint-handling agency in Southern California. The agency, theĀ Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs (LADCA) is an arm of the California State Department of Consumer Affairs. The Los Angeles office serves only those consumers with complaints in the Los Angeles County area. This population is unique because they have taken the necessary steps and filed a complaint with a third-party complaint-handling agency. Complaint filers were randomly sampled; Spanish-speaking consumers were over-sampled. Regression analysis revealed eight variables that significantly impacted service rating. Variables that had a positive impact on service rating include: being promptly notified of the case, being kept informed of the investigation and being female. Variables that had a negative effect on service rating include: being a first-time user of the agency, having a higher income, being Asian, being African American, and presence of children. Third-party agencies can address these issues to improve their overall service rating. Further implications for agencies and future researchers are provided.
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