Female Visitors’ Behavioral Intention to the Shanghai Comics Exhibition: An Application of Cognitive Appraisal Theory


  • Jamie Chen North Dakota State University
  • Huimin Song Huaqiao University
  • Wei Zeng Huaqiao University
  • Liwen Ren Huaqiao University


This paper studies the influence mechanism of embodied experience on revisit intention from the female perspective. By means of a field investigation and online surveys, a total of 247 valid questionnaires were collected from female visitors to the Shanghai comic exhibition. Factor analyses and Structure Equation Modeling were conducted, and results revealed that physical experience, situational experience, and perceptual experience have significantly positive effects on exhibition satisfaction and revisit intention. A further Bootstrap found that exhibition satisfaction has a significant mediating effect between embodied experience and revisit intention. These findings contribute to cognitive appraisal theory and also improve our understanding of female experience in the exhibition industry. This study sheds some light on the development of the cultural exhibition industry and the female exhibition experience research. For instance, improving female visitors’ embodied experience would increase their revisit intention. It also has implications for exhibition organizers in terms of better cultural exhibition planning and effective management.


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