The Dark Side of Brand Loyalty in Retail: Sense of Entitlement and Likelihood of Misbehavior in Loyal Customers


  • Anurag Dugar Ignited Learning, Jagran Lakecity University, India
  • Pankaj Chamola Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur


Brand Loyalty, Loyal Customers, Entitlement Mentality, Customer Misbehavior


This research aims to expose the dark side of brand loyalty by highlighting its negative consequences. It draws from the Theories of Social Exchange, Reciprocity, and Amsel’s Theory and probes whether loyal customers feel that they are entitled to a reciprocal relationship with the brand and, with that feeling, whether they are likely to misbehave when the brand does not fulfill their expectations. Towards that purpose, customers’ purchase data from selected retail stores have been accessed to assess their behavioral loyalty. This was followed by a survey to assess their attitudinal loyalty, sense of entitlement, and likelihood of misbehavior. The data were then analyzed through CFA in AMOS, simple linear regression, and ANOVA conducted on SPSS. The findings demonstrate that loyalty leads to the development of a sense of entitlement in loyal customers and increases their likelihood of misbehavior if their expectations are unmet. Secondly, compared to behaviorally loyal customers, attitudinally loyal customers have a lower sense of entitlement and are less likely to misbehave. This study can help marketers rethink and improve loyalty-building strategies. It also highlights how to address the prevalent omissions in loyalty-based segmentation and targeting. Finally, it can help marketers reduce and manage the menace of customer misbehavior.


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