The Influence of Group Interactions and Emotions on Satisfaction Change and Intention to Recommend
Customer Experience, Business Service, Homophily, Positive Emotions, Negative EmotionsAbstract
This paper develops and tests a conceptual model of how group interaction dynamics affect individual emotions among members of the customer organization, and how those emotions relate to individuals’ satisfaction change and intention to recommend a service provider. The authors conduct a scenario-based role-play experiment to simulate the group interaction process. They manipulate three characteristics of group members: service experience, experience homophily, and power. Individual satisfaction with the service provider was assessed before and after individuals engaged in group discussions. Intention to recommend a service, negative emotions, and positive emotions were assessed after the group discussions. The data were analyzed, and hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance and structural equation modeling techniques. The study results suggest that experience homophily (vs lack of homophily) is the primary driver of individuals’ positive and negative emotions during interactions with group members. The direct effect of experience homophily on positive emotions is stronger when the service experience is favorable (vs. unfavorable). The inverse effect of experience homophily on negative emotions is stronger when the service experience is favorable, and when the individual has more power (e.g., managers vs. employees). Further, positive and negative emotions exhibit a direct influence on satisfaction change after group interactions, and a mediated influence on recommendation intention through satisfaction change.
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