Consumer Response to Negative Shopping Experiences
Satisfaction Surveys, Demographics, Social Desirability Bias, Impulsivity, Privacy ConcernsAbstract
Prior research identified many variables that were associated with consumer complaining behaviors. This study focused on whether people who experienced negative shopping experiences would be likely to express their dissatisfaction by completing a customer survey. Two surveys of US adults, one in 2015 and the other in 2022, were analyzed. Roughly one-third of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they would complain by completing a satisfaction survey. Demographic variables that previous research suggested could help identify those who would complete the satisfaction survey proved to be of limited value. Several new measures, particularly an index for Social Desirability Bias (SDB) and indicators of impulsivity, were positively related to the complaining behavior in this study. The positive sign on the SDB measure suggests that a social norm may encourage some consumers to complete satisfaction surveys. Future research on complaints should reexamine previous results and include SDB and impulsivity measures.
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