Difference Of Opinion Or Something Sinister? Context Effects On Consumer Responses To Exposure To Erroneous Product Information In The Blogosphere


  • James D Doyle The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
  • Louise A Heslop


Erroneous consumer-communicated product-related content can be dissatisfying for information seekers and lead to deleterious performance outcomes for both communicator and implicated organization. Stemming from a perception of either marketing relationship or insufficient ability to achieve domain accuracy, instantiation of erroneous content in the blogosphere facilitates blame assignments that, as an experiment shows, vary with the presence versus absence of a word-of-mouth marketing disclosure and partially with accordance between the consumption experience versus authoritative knowledge signaled ability base of the communicator and the hedonic versus utilitarian perspective espoused in the message. Blame cognitions directed at the communicator and, when a marketing disclosure is made, the organization, drive retaliation intentions. However, blame and retaliation relationships are partially mediated by experiences of negative affect.

Author Biographies

  • James D Doyle, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
    James D. Doyle, Ph.D. (Carleton University), is Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Business at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
  • Louise A Heslop
    Louise Heslop is Distinguished Research Professor and Professor Emerita in the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University.


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