Reproducibility in Thirty-five Years of Consumer Intentions Research: A Longitudinal Review and Directions for Future Research
replication, consumer intentions, purchase intentions, behavioral intentions, consumer behaviorAbstract
This study examined replications in consumer intentions research over the last thirty-five years (1986 to 2021). The results revealed that there were very few replication studies have been published in the consumer intentions research. Satisfaction researchers have paid little attention to the discussion on the state of replications. There were more close replications than exact replications in these publications. There was a clear emphasis on null hypothesis significance testing in the replications studied. Recommendations are offered to ensure that replications become a recognized and frequent component of research pertaining to consumer intentions in marketing, advertising, and other business and management areas. With the rapid penetration of the Internet and Web 2.0 technologies in consumers' daily lives, previous reproducibility claims need to be verified and validated over time. This research, therefore, addresses, the question about relationship between the age of the concept of consumer intentions, advancements in advertising and marketing fields, and the practice of replication in the research process. Directions for future replication research and practice in this area are provided.
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