Multidimensional Perception of Manipulation Scale Validation and its Impact on Satisfaction with the Visit
Consumers, Perception of Manipulation, Retail Business, Satisfaction, Scale of MeasurementAbstract
With consumers increasingly distrustful of commercial marketing practices, action and approaches taken by businesses can readily be perceived as manipulative (Rousseaux, Loussaïef and Delchet-Cochet 2019). This study, in a departure from others conducted to date, proposes a multidimensional tool for measuring consumer perception of manipulation in a point of purchase shopping environment. Twenty in-depth interviews are conducted with consumers to define the construct and generate the items, followed by a pretest to refine the scale. Data is subsequently collected from 225 consumers. The scale, boasting good reliability and validity, comprises thirteen items spread across three dimensions, namely cognitive, behavioral, and affective. These dimensions confirm that an individual’s affective and cognitive states combine with behavioral patterns to determine perception of manipulation. Predictive validity results illustrate that perception of manipulation, and more specifically the cognitive and affective dimensions, has an impact on satisfaction. It is then suggested that, depending on the dependent variable, they may have more or less strong, inverse or even insignificant effects. The development of a multidimensional scale allows merchants to determine for each of their tactics what type of manipulation is perceived and consequently the reaction that this can cause in the consumer.
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