Satisfaction as a Mediator Between Brand Experience Dimensions and Word-of-Mouth for Digital Banking Services: Does Gender and Age Matter?
brand experience, satisfaction, digital banking services, word of mouthAbstract
The objective of the research is to examine the role of satisfaction as a mediator on the relationship between brand experience dimensions on word of mouth for digital banking services. Data was collected from 386 respondents through a single cross-sectional survey. The study deployed partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM) to assess the relationship among constructs. Satisfaction fully mediates the sensory, behavioral, and relational brand experience dimensions with word mouth for digital banking services. However, satisfaction partially mediates the relationship of affective and intellectual brand experience with word of mouth for digital banking services. Brand experience dimensions for digital banking are related to word-of-mouth, and satisfaction mediates the relationship. The findings indicate that gender does not moderate the relationship between brand experience dimensions, satisfaction, and word of mouth. Age moderates the relationship between the path of relational brand experience and satisfaction, and satisfaction and word of mouth. This study demonstrates the role of brand experience dimensions in the context of digital banking services that marketing managers can deploy to achieve positive word of mouth.
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