CD/D&CB Research Suggestions and Observations for the 1990's


  • H. Keith Hunt Brigham Young University


It is emotion, not cognition, that drives CS/D&CB. Tripartite attitude theory suggests the importance of studying action tendency along with cognition and emotion. We need to study positive as well as negative disconfirmation. Our richest base for understanding CS/D&CB lies in consumers' stories of their own experiences. CS/D&CB researchers need to team with TQM researchers to better understand what leads to market success. We need to broaden from "consumer" satisfaction/ dissatisfaction to general satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. We also need to study complimenting, not just complaining, behavior. Perhaps the new acronym should be S/D&C/CB: Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining/Complimenting Behavior. We seek increased academic/industry interaction but to little avail.


