Dynamics of the Senior Consumer Market: A Review and Research Agenda


  • Ruchika Sachdeva Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA


This study explores the multifaceted landscape of the senior consumer market, emphasizing its growing significance in the global economy. The findings are extracted from various studies conducted in different countries, various factors are analyzed, and suggestions for future research are provided. The research objectives encompass a comprehensive analysis of constructs and areas related to the senior consumer market, identification and clustering of factors contributing to satisfaction and loyalty, exploration of the market's attractiveness to marketers, and a detailed examination of the rise of this demographic across the globe. A structured, systematic literature review process was adopted for this analysis. The study positions the senior consumer market as a pivotal force for future business success, urging marketers to adapt strategies in alignment with this dynamic demographic's evolving preferences and characteristics. The concluding part of this section encapsulates key concluding observations derived from the study's outcomes.


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Special Issue: Senior Consumers and CS/D&CB. Editors: Norbert Meiners and George W. Leeson.