Causes and Effects of Brand Hate in the Smartphone Industry of Hungary: A Comparison Between Generation Y and Generation Z
Brand Hate, Generation Y, Generation ZAbstract
Brand hate is prevalent across industries, particularly in technological sectors, where companies face more brand hate and subsequent retaliatory behaviors than other sectors. These negative consumer sentiments result in not only reputation damage but also financial losses for companies. Despite some studies focusing on the causes and effects of brand hate in various countries over the past decade, research on brand hate in the technological sector is limited. Notably, there is a lack of investigation into consumers' negative feelings in Hungary, and no research has explored the variations in antecedents and behavioral outcomes of brand aversion among different generations. This study examines the determinants and behavioral outcomes of brand aversion within the smartphone industry in Hungary. It also compares the causes and effects among Generation Y and Generation Z. Data were collected from 238 Hungarian smartphone brand haters using purposive sampling for descriptive analysis. The findings state that brand aversion among customers is triggered by three antecedents, leading to four revenge behaviors. However, causes and effects vary between generations, with Generation Z exhibiting higher narcissism compared to Generation Y. The moderating effect of narcissism is also substantial in the adoption of aversive behaviors in Generation Z than in Generation Y.
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