The Role of Brand Image and Brand Love in the Relationship Between Perceived Cause-Related Marketing and Repurchase Intention
Brand Love, Cause-Related Marketing, Brand Image, Repurchase IntentionAbstract
This study aims to understand the relationship between perceived cause-related marketing (CrM) and customer retention through brand image and brand love. A total of 478 questionnaires were collected using the convenience sampling method from consumers in four major cities in Vietnam. The study utilises a partial regression approach for data analysis. The scales are evaluated through the measurement model analysis and linear structural model using the SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results reveal that the other direct hypotheses are supported except for the insignificant direct effect of perceived CrM on brand love. Additionally, this study identifies the sequential mediating roles of brand image and brand love. Both mediators significantly contribute to the relationship between perceived CrM and customer retention. The study also has implications for marketing managers in Vietnam's fast-moving consumer goods industry, providing insights into consumers' perceptions, behaviours, and attitudes towards CrM activities, particularly in the context of market competition and information turbulence. This study contributes to the theoretical basis by examining the mediating role of brand image and brand love in the relationship between CrM and customer retention in the consumer goods industry, particularly in the post-COVID-19 context.
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