Achieving Intention to Recommend with Consumer Arrogance as an Antecedent


  • Shalini Nath Tripathi Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
  • Shalini Srivastava Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
  • Nishtha Malik Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
  • Alok Kumar Fore School of Management, New Delhi


Consumer Arrogance, Intention to Recommend


This research explores whether arrogance (in the consumption context) can climax into intention to recommend by consumers, while investigating the mediating role of self-enhancement (SE), self-affirmation (SA), and consumer satisfaction. A mixed-methods explanatory sequential design is used for this study, where data was collected in two phases. The findings corroborate that consumers possess a tendency for sharing their consumption experiences in order to fulfill their SE and SA needs. This sharing of information enhances their self-worth while gaining their peers’ likeability and trust. Also, recommendation was always the consequence of experiencing satisfaction. Implications for managers include, first, in order to achieve recommendations, arrogance as a personality trait has to be triggered. Further, consumers should feel satisfied after using that product or service (possessing an element of uniqueness or innovation), which in turn will prompt customers to share their consumption experience and make recommendations. Second, marketers need to take measures to ensure that consumers, who have a poor product experience, do not talk negatively about it. The findings lay down a road map for deploying consumer recommendation as a strategic marketing tool and justifies it as being an authentic and believable means of marketing communication, which can be leveraged by firms. Theoretically, the study establishes that in order to achieve recommendations from consumers, arrogance as a personality trait needs to be instigated; and that SE and satisfaction and SA and satisfaction serially mediate the relationship between Consumer Arrogance and Recommendation Intention. The originality of the study lies in the fact that the trait of arrogance in consumers leads to a need for fulfilling SE and SA needs, which in turn leads to satisfaction in consumers instigating an intention to recommend.


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