A Half-Century of SERVQUAL: Exploring its Impact and Future Directions in Service Quality Research


  • Gillian S. Naylor University of Nevada, Las Vegas




This paper explores the evolution and enduring significance of SERVQUAL, a widely recognized framework for measuring service quality. Since its inception in 1988, SERVQUAL has been extensively adopted and adapted across various industries, becoming a cornerstone of service quality research. We trace the development of the SERVQUAL model, from its original conceptualization to its subsequent refinement, application, and critique. We examine its impact on industry-specific contexts, its integration with other service quality models, and its cross-cultural adaptations. Further, we investigate the incorporation of emotional and experiential dimensions into contemporary service quality research, highlighting the need to move beyond purely functional assessments. We analyze recent trends in SERVQUAL research, including its integration with emerging concepts like customer experience management and the growing role of data in service quality measurement. Finally, we explore the potential for future applications of SERVQUAL in the context of satisfaction research, specifically examining its relevance to the Journal of Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior. Through this historical and analytical lens, this paper aims to illuminate the ongoing relevance of SERVQUAL and its potential to contribute to advancing our understanding of service quality and customer satisfaction.


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