Beyond the Checkout Line: Examining the Impact of the Satisfaction-Loyalty and Barriers on BOPIS and Curbside Adoption Among Senior Consumer Grocery Shoppers
Vast technological advances in supermarket buying options (i.e., BOPIS and curbside pickup) have had minimal impact on senior consumers, as most in this age group still prefer in-store grocery shopping. Given this population is expected to triple over the next decade, this research offers insights into how grocery stores can target senior consumers while avoiding complaining behaviors. Despite the rapid growth in grocery e-commerce, we address the gap in research by investigating why the older consumer demographic has shown lower continued engagement levels with the BOPIS and curbside pickup omnichannel interactions. Grounded in consumer disconfirmation theory, our research investigates the role of the retailer satisfaction-loyalty link and identifies how different barriers deter senior consumers from using BOPIS and curbside pickup in the grocery retailing context. A cross-sectional survey of 291 senior consumers aged 60 and above reveals that while loyalty plays a pivotal role in determining omnichannel service usage intention, perceived barriers significantly moderate this relationship. The findings provide valuable insights into senior consumers’ shopping preferences, highlighting the importance of adapting strategies to cater to this market segment to increase this segment’s use of BOPIS and curbside pickup. Our study not only contributes to understanding senior consumers’ behavior in the digital age but also offers practical implications for grocery retailers striving to enhance service usability and address the unique needs of the elderly population.
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