Mapping the Service Failure-Recovery Literature: A Scoping Review
Service failure-recovery, Service failure, Service recovery, scoping review, reactive recovery, adaptive recovery, proactive recoveryAbstract
The nature of the service failure-recovery literature is expansive, complex, and heterogeneous. The full range of content is difficult to traverse given the long history and broad interests in the service failure-recovery domain. While some may argue that the service failure-recovery literature is in the mature stage of academic inquiry, emergent literature, and particularly in the area of digital marketing and artificial intelligence is magnifying its importance. This scoping review provides an overview of relevant definitions, scales, and operationalizations of key concepts within the service failure-recovery field. Relevant topics covered in this scoping review of the service failure-recovery literature encompass (1) core definitions, (2) service failure typologies, (3) service recovery antecedents, (4) service recovery outcomes, (5) core service recovery theories, (6) service recovery strategies – reactive, adaptive, and proactive recovery, and (7) identification of recent comprehensive literature reviews. Our scoping review provides theoretical and practical to advance research in this topic area.
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