Consumer Retaliation: Confirmation and Extension


  • Jonathan C. Huefner Girls and Boys Town
  • Brian L. Parry Brigham Young University
  • Collin R. Payne Brigham Young University
  • Sean D. Otto Brigham Young University
  • Steven C. Huff Brigham Young University
  • Michael J. Swenson Brigham Young University
  • H. Keith Hunt Brigham Young University


A national mail survey confirms the voice-exit-retaliation factor structure first presented in Huefner and Hunt (2000). Partial correlations clarify the independence and interdependence of the three factors. The MILOV scale (Herche 1994, Bearden and Netemeyer 1999) and a religiosity subscale were used to assess the relationships between the MILOV/religiosity values and the voice-exit-retaliation factors. Only self-respect and religiosity predicted exit. Religiosity was negatively related and self-respect and self-fulfillment were positively related to voice. Fun and enjoyment in life along with religiosity were both negatively related to retaliation, while security was positively related. Of the MILOV values that significantly predicted voice-exit-retaliation, none yielded an R-squared above .05 suggesting the possibility that other values scales might better predict voice-exit-retaliation.



— Updated on 2022-03-01


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