Toward Understanding the Impact of Attributes on Satisfaction in Different Price Tiers
This exploratory study analyzes online ratings of cruises to identify the drivers of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The goal is to highlight that attributes vary in impact across price tiers. This research involved using Impact Range Performance Analysis and Impact Asymmetry Analysis on data from online consumer reviews across four price tiers (budget, premium, deluxe, and luxury). These techniques allowed for the classification of cruise attributes into five types based on their ability to satisfy or dissatisfy consumers. Using this directional information, importance levels, and perceived performance, the authors show that the order in which cruise lines should dedicate their resources varies across price tiers.
The contribution of this article addresses the need for managers to understand not only which attributes their passengers care about most (i.e., importance weight), but also the potential of each attribute to cause either satisfaction, or dissatisfaction. This will allow strategic allocation of resources depending on whether the cruise line needs to reduce dissatisfaction, or increase satisfaction. Consequently, this research should interest academicians – as an application of creative research methodology, and managers – as a prescriptive tool for resource allocation.
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