Service Exemptions are a Complaint Away: Moderated Mediation Analysis of Consumer Entitlement on Consumer Service Hypocrisy


  • Stephen Bok California State University East Bay
  • James Shum Golden Gate University
  • Maria Lee University of California, Irvine


Consumer Entitlement, Preferential Treatment, Individualism, Cautiousness, Service Hypocrisy


Online digital media has publicized consumer entitlement behaviors (e.g., unwarranted demands) that exhaust service employees and negatively impact business marketing operations.  Consumer Entitlement Theory explains certain customers believe they are deserving of extra benefits because they are generally owed by others.  We extend the theory to study consumer service hypocrisy.  We conducted surveys with a large U.S. sample (N = 532).  Through five novel consumer service hypocrisy scenarios we quantified gaps between supporting service policies, while supporting unreasonable exceptions to these policies.  Path analysis demonstrated consumer entitlement related to higher consumer service hypocrisy (i.e., receiving preferential treatment despite standard policies).  Indirect path analysis showed, in the presence of high cautiousness, high consumer entitlement associated with higher individualism.  Higher individualism associated with higher consumer service hypocrisy.  This expands our understanding of unreasonable demands helps marketers better address consumer entitlement behaviors.  We discuss modifications businesses can implement to serve these challenging customers.


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