CS/D&CB at the Confluence of Entrepreneurial Marketing, Social Entrepreneurship, Commercial Entrepreneurship, and Psychosocial Consumer Behavior


  • Linden Dalecki Pittsburg State University


Entrepreneurial Marketing, Entrepreneurial Consumer Behavior, Social Entrepreneurship, Commercial Entrepreneurship, Psychosocial Consumer Behavior, Psychodynamic Consumer Behavior, Effectuation, Scoping Review, History of Marketing Theory, Emergence, Beneficiaries, Greenwashing, Business Model Development


The aim of this study is to introduce and integrate key aspects of entrepreneurial marketing into the field of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and complaining behavior. The paper combines elements of a scoping review with a personal perspective approach. Various sub-literatures are explored, including entrepreneurial consumer behavior, commercial entrepreneurial marketing, effectual entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, and psychosocial consumer behavior. We find that H. Keith Hunt's early contributions to entrepreneurial marketing, particularly his explanation of entrepreneurial consumer behavior, are likely more relevant today than when he first introduced the concept in the 1980s. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to connect Hunt's entrepreneurial marketing research to the domain of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and complaining behavior.


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