The Effects of Relationship Quality and Duration on Negative Word-of-Mouth After a Low-Contact Service Failure
Relationship Quality, Relationship Duration, Negative WoM, Low-Contact ServiceAbstract
This article examines the effects of relationship quality (RQ) and relationship duration (RD) on negative word-of-mouth (WoM) after a low-contact service failure. Partial least square structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data collected through a scenario-based online survey (n=153). First, unlike the inconsistent findings in high-contact service research, the results showed that RQ led to decreased negative WoM in low-context service failures, namely telecommunication. Second, this research contributes to the literature by revealing the negative effect of RD on customers’ tendency to spread negative WoM. In addition, RD did not moderate the relationship between RQ and negative WoM.
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